Criss-Cross #2

What does queer sound like? DJ session with international participants as part of the Summer Academy Salzburg 2024
Zosia Hołubowska is a queer musician and sound artist. She organises sound queer workshops in countries such as Denmark, Australia and Ukraine and brings together artists and musicians for electronic music. As a student at the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna, she is involved in various bands and musical projects and is active as a sound artist.
As part of the International Summer Academy of Fine Arts Salzburg, she brings together special DJs and sound artists for an evening session in the Zwerglgarten pavilion in Mirabellpark on three evenings in August (2.+16.+30.) from 9 pm to 1 am. Today with Enesi M,, Martyyna and মm. More information about the artists can be found here. (pg)
Fri, 2.8.24 | 21:00 Uhr