Queere Kultur Salzburg

Queer Stammtisch

Please note: This event is in the past.

The Queer Stammtisch is a monthly cometogether organised by QueKuSa

After the Longest Night of Drag at Arge Kultur on 21 June, Magic Garage proved that they can fill large halls. Read about it in the Salzburg Queer Update from 25 June 2024. QueKuSa is the association behind Magic Garage and also offers various queer cultural events away from the stage.

For example, the Queer Stammtisch takes place every last Thursday of the month. This regulars’ table is open to anyone who is interested. Anyone who wants to meet new people in the cosy atmosphere of the Narrencastl is welcome. (sb)

Thu, 24.10.24 | 19:00 - 23:00 Uhr

Rudolf-Biebl-Straße 22
5020 Salzburg
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Published 03. Aug 2024Updated 3. August 2024