Pride Boat in June?
Like so many other dates, the date for the Pride Boat this year is wobbling because of Corona. Since we can’t foresee at the moment if the boat will really be able to leave on June 20th, we will start the ticket pre-sale in May. If the 20th of June remains as a date, we are then looking forward to a “welcome-back-to-life” party on the beautiful Wolfgangsee. In parallel we are currently trying to find an alternative date in September.
Who knows how everything will turn out? We will see and try to make this bleak and for many existentially threatening time as bearable as possible. For example, today, Wednesday, 1.04. on Facebook at Tinkering with Aunt Gigi. For more info on the Pride Boat 2020 stay tuned, here at
Mittwoch, 1.04.2020 21 o’clock on Facebook