Aerobic with Gigi

Gigi LaPajette is tireless. She’s been keeping the community in Salzburg happy for weeks. And if you think about her crystal ball, it could be that she has a hunch. Or how else can you explain that Gigi’s chat session next Sunday will be under the motto “Get rid of that flab – get your bikini figure: aerobics with Gigi”?

Maybe it really is time to get back to being outdoors? Austria’s Chancellor Sebastian Kurz sees “light at the end of the tunnel”. In concrete terms, this means that gastronomy will be able to reopen from mid-May – subject to conditions. But at least it’s a start. Salzburg’s gastronomy scene is showing the first signs of life – so there is hope.

Against this background, Gigi is once again spot on. In about three weeks, it probably won’t hurt to let go of the flab accumulated during the crisis, from sitting around, lying around, lying around for so long, and get ready to go out. It will be interesting after this long period of abstinence. At Aerobics with Gigi, Aunt Gigi will surely give us valuable tips on the topic to the hits of the 80s and 90s. So let’s be curious!

Gigi on Facebook, 26.04.2020, 21 o’clock

Published 26. June 2021Updated 29. April 2023

Hotel Hofwirt Salzburg