Boarding in St. Gilgen on Lake Wolfgang©Clemens Pfeiffer

CSD and Pride Boat are postponed

There is now a new date for the Pride Boat. Due to the Corona crisis, Wolfgangseeschifffahrt has offered 19 September as an alternative date for the Pride Boat. We gladly accept this offer and so the MS Salzburg will leave on Lake Wolfgang in September. This is two weeks after the CSD, which was recently postponed by HOSI Salzburg from 5-7 June to 4-6 September. This means that Salzburg Pride are postponed by three months in parallel.

We hope that these dates can be kept. It’s time to move life outside again more. After all, in three weeks’ time in Austria, places like Mexxx or Dark Eagle will open again, albeit with restrictions. However, the author of these lines has yet to be told why a time restriction of opening until 11 pm is necessary. Just as one wants to check the maximum number of people with whom one is allowed to spend the evening. This will probably be complicated and could also have unpleasant side effects such as denunciation. But be that as it may, the main thing is to take the first steps towards something like former normality. Until we can even speak of a former “normal” life, a lot of water will probably flow down the Salzach.

Tickets for the Pride Boat from the middle of June

Advance ticket sales for the Pride Boat here at will probably start in June, when it is easier to foresee where the Corona crisis is heading and travel will hopefully be more predictable. In any case, we are looking forward to celebrating Pride in Salzburg in September. At the CSD from 4-6 September and at the Pride Boat weekend from 18-20 September.

Update !!! The Pride Boat has been cancelled due to Corona. The CSD will take place.

Published 25. April 2020Updated 6. June 2023

Hotel Hofwirt Salzburg