Everything different – or not?
These are worrying times. Germany has just managed to keep the incidence rate below 10 on a more or less permanent basis, and the first pale orange districts with incidences >10 are popping up again on the map of Germany at spiegel online. In Pinzgau, 40 kilometers south of Salzburg, the Salzburger Nachrichten report an infection cluster. In Spain, incidences rise to a new record high. Delta is on the way.
Utilization of intensive care beds
But what does this mean for our lives? No economy in Central Europe will be able to afford a year like 2020 again. The way we look at the problem will have to change. Science has found solutions, they only have to be realized. Vaccination, with all criticism-worthy consideration, seems the means of the choice, a better one is not known to me. The vaccination rate of about 60% in Germany and about 45% in Austria has meanwhile probably prevented worse. The criteria for threat will have to change. Utilization of intensive care beds will increasingly have to become the yardstick for evaluating the situation. We will have to learn to live with this new situation.
David from Mexxx refers to the changed Covid rules for the catering trade from 22.07. and expresses himself annoyed about the constant back and forth of the regulations. For the catering trade, he says, every adminsitrative decision entails a multitude of organizational measures, which in the end require a lot of work. But well: we will probably have to get used to that. A learned successful handling of this covid threat ensures the continuation of life in a halfway known framework. That is definitely better than incalculable risk.
Life, Love, Diversity – Love is in the Air
From September 3 to 5, Salzburg celebrates the Pride again. Whether with or without a mask, Everything different – or not? we will celebrate life, love and diversity and put Salzburg once more under the rainbow