Photo: Peter Goebel

LMC Salzburg goes fetish

The fact that leather and fetish events are no longer limited to the capital or the big metropolises is evident throughout Europe. This is also the case in Austria. “Salzburg-Fetish” becomes the first provincial section of LMC Vienna under the new name “LMC Salzburg”.

Header on the website of LMC Vienna

“The LMC Vienna (“Leather & Motorbike Community Vienna”) is a non-profit association and has been a driving force in the gay fetish community in Vienna and Austria for over 30 years. But we are also active throughout Europe as a member of the ECMC (European Confederation of Motorcycle Clubs). Meanwhile, with almost 2,500 members, the LMC is the country’s largest organisation in the LGBT community and is stepping up activities for this community…” This is how the LMC Vienna describes itself on its website.

Inspired by the fetish life of the MLC Munich, more than 7 years ago Herwig Jäger and Gernot Lindner (Mr. Leather Austria 2016) from Salzburg started to organise a regular, monthly fetish evening “Salzburg-Fetish”. The aim was to offer a protected space where people could indulge in their favourite fetish.

The fact that the evening could develop so successfully over the years is also due to the fact that there was a strict dress code from the beginning. In addition to the standard fetish outfits (leather, army, rubber, skin, worker, sportswear), traditional costume was also allowed – due to local conditions (“everyone in Salzburg has it anyway”). So the entry threshold was low. Available rental outfits (army flight suits) for holidaymakers contributed to the positive word of mouth.

Logo of the LMC Salzburg

Word had also spread to LMC Vienna and an intensive cooperation was the logical next step. At the latest, Gernot Lindner’s election as Mr. Leather Austria established the internationality of the evening. The fact that Herwig and Gernot’s initiative is bearing fruit could be seen at the Salzburg Pride. More than 15 sash wearers from the European leather and fetish scene were guests. The awarding of the section status “LMC Salzburg” now completes the cooperation and shows the appreciation of the biggest leather and fetish club in Austria for the Salzburg activities.

Open for all genders

A speciality of the LMC Salzburg goes fetish evening is that it is open to all genders from the age of 18 (exception: darkroom). So bi men can also bring their girlfriends and the ladies can show off their tight bodices. Through a cooperation with the Salzburg SM-Stammtisch, SM workshops and flea markets are regularly organised.

Since Corona, of course, strict conditions have to be met. For this reason, the start of the event was brought forward to 6 pm. In addition, the darkroom had to make way for seating to allow more visitors. For out-of-town guests, there is also the possibility to reserve admission in advance. And to support the nearby leather and fetish venue Dark Eagle, the LMC Salzburg evening has been moved to Dark Eagle at 11 pm since September.

Upcoming dates: LMC Salzburg goes fetish: 15/11, 22/11 (when we celebrate 12 years) and 20/12/2024. In 2025, we will return to our usual schedule on the 3rd Friday of the month.

Published 20. September 2020Updated 1. December 2024

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