Gay Wiesn Salzburg

Queer city tour and Gay Octoberfest

On Saturday, 1 October, there are two queer events in Salzburg that make a weekend trip to Salzburg worthwhile – Queer City Tour and Gay Octoberfest. Roman Forisch starts the queer city tour at noon and in the evening Gigi La Pajette and four of her Austrian drag queen colleagues invite you to Gigi’s Rosa Stadl.

The last queer city tour on 3 September for the Salzburg Pride 2022 was the best attended so far. More than 30 participants followed Roman Forisch on the traces of queer history through the thousand-year history of Salzburg. The tour leads from the HOSI Bar through the Andräviertel to Mirabell Palace. From there it goes to the old town side of the Salzach and ends at Salzburg Cathedral. You will learn a lot about the work of homosexual personalities in Salzburg over many centuries. Bishop Arn of Salzburg, Ludwig-Viktor, Georg Trakl, Alexander von Humboldt and many others have worked diligently on today’s Salzburg Gesamtkunstwerk. Each guided tour has a slightly different focus. On Saturday 1.10. it’s that time again – at 11 am in front of the HOSI Bar.

In the evening, things will get a little more festive. Gigi La Pajette and four of her drag queen colleagues follow up their brilliant performance at the Pride Night on 3 September. Gigi and seven of her colleagues put on an impressive show at the Pride Night in the ARGEkultur. The audience reacted enthusiastically. Great cinema!

Now Gigi and four of the Queens invite to Gigi’s Rosa Stadl men and women in crisp traditional costumes, drag queens from all over Austria (Miss Lathoya, Betty Pearl, Trina Crytal, Sindy Sinful) and live DJ Mademoiselle Giselle. A hearty evening with traditional country cuisine, good music, performers, fun, decorations and some surprises, for example a Mister/Miss Wadeln election with prizes.

Where? At the Steinlechner in Salzburg-Parsch. The Steinlechner inn looks back on almost 180 years of tradition as a gastronomic establishment. In addition to the inn with very good Austrian cuisine, there is also a large beer garden that turns Gigi’s Rosa Stadl into an indoor and outdoor party.

Queer city tour and Gay Oktoberfest are the queer highlights on the weekend 30.09. to 2.10. (for fans from Germany until 3.10. due to public holiday). Two good reasons to spend this weekend in the beautiful city on the Salzach.

Queer city tour, 1.10.2022 11am in front of the HOSI Bar Registration, 15€ participation fee

Gigi’s Rosa Stadl, 1.10.2022 from 6 pm until approx. 2 am at Steinlechner. Admission AK 15.-€ (incl. welcome drink/ free beer – while stocks last). Table reservations possible, but remain reserved only until 19:30 – reserved unoccupied tables will be released afterwards. Reservation with exact number of persons to or by phone 0043 662 633633.

Published 14. September 2022Updated 15. September 2022

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