Photo: Stefan Nope

Salzburg in autumn

When Corona threw itself into the spokes of our lives at the beginning of March, the summer edition of the Salzburg Gay Guide was about to go to press – Corona stopped production from now on. But life goes on. And so there is now a – albeit somewhat reduced – summer edition 2020 of the Salzburg Gay Guide. With many tips for Salzburg in autumn. Since yesterday (17.06.) as e-paper here at and from the end of June at the free brochure distribution of Tourismus Salzburg.

In addition to the Salzburg Festival, the events for late summer focus on three LGBTI events. After the Prides season was largely cancelled this year, the Salzburg scene has organized replacement dates for all planned events in spring/summer for the fall.

The Salzburg Pride weekend with kick-off parties, parade and Pride Party or street festival, depending on the then applicable Corona-conditioned distance and hygiene rules, will let Salzburg shine under the rainbow from September 4-6. Two weeks later, from September 18-20, the party for the CSD on the Pride Boat on Lake Wolfgang will provide atmosphere. With a welcome party on Friday in the Rooftop Bar of the arte Hotel. With a fantastic view over Salzburg to the mountains of the Alps. And on October 17, Gigi LaPajette invites you to the Long Night of Diversity in the Salzburg scene. Program in 4 scene stores, simultaneously, all night!

Disciplined to Pride

“Risk awareness must be maintained” emphasized Austrian Health Minister Rudolf Anschober (Green Party) at a press conference yesterday (17.06.). The new corona outbreaks in Berlin-Neukölln and Rheda-Wiedenbrück (NRW) make it clear that the corona drop has not yet been sucked. Individual discipline is called for. At the beginning of July, the Austrian federal government will announce which regulations will apply to larger gatherings of people from September. Assuming that the positive development of containing the pandemic continues, we can now look forward to seeing queer live events in Salzburg in this strange year after all. And can get to know Salzburg anew in the fall after Corona. Or rediscover, to follow the motto of Tourismus Salzburg. See you in Salzburg in the fall!

Published 28. June 2021Updated 4. June 2023

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