High and horny

Chemsex, prep, sexually transmitted diseases and much more were topics at the lecture last night at the Dark Eagle in Salzburg. As part of Pride Week Salzburg, two experts from the Chemsex Network Vienna were guests and explained facts and figures on the topic in a very entertaining way. It was an informative evening with an intensive discussion afterwards and a considerable gain in knowledge. [Read more]


Leather and Fetish at Salzburg Pride 2021

After the highly visible presence of the European leather and fetish scene at the last Salzburg Pride, a large number of sash wearers will again show their colours at the Salzburg Pride this year. Leathermen were already in the front row at the Stonewall riots against discrimination and arbitrariness on Christopher Street in New York in 1969. [Read more]

Off into the night!

Since yesterday (1.07.2021), significantly relaxed Corona rules have been in force in Austria. This mainly affects the (night) gastronomy. The curfew has been abolished. This means that bars and clubs are once again free to decide on their opening hours. The obligation to wear masks in pubs and at the bar is history. However, the 3G rule still applies. [Read more]