This will be the Unken Pride 2024

“The Heublumen are a queer association with the aim of supporting rural LGBTQIA+ communities,” says the self-description on Facebook. They are doing this again this year, including with Unken Pride 2024. On 20 July, the rainbow parade will pass through the small village in Pinzgau. Queer self-confidence will be on display against the picturesque mountain backdrop. And more and more people are joining in. [Read more]


Salzburger Landestheater

Happy Unken Pride 2023!

Unken Pride 2023 is just around the corner. The Pride Parade in the countryside will take place in Unken on 15 July. Where else do you have the chance to experience a Pride with rural charm? After a year’s break, a continuation of Unken Pride is in the starting blocks. This time bigger, more colourful and always with traditional costume. [Read more]