Shen Yun Salzburg

Shen Yun

Please note: This event is in the past.

Chinese dance with live orchestra: cultural diversity and beauty of Chinese traditions before the Communist Party came to power in China

Shen Yun is the renowned art company for classical Chinese dance and music and will be performing on 10 and 11 February in the Grosser Festspielsaal in Salzburg.
With the motto “China before Communism”, the upcoming performance in Salzburg will focus on the cultural diversity and beauty of Chinese traditions – before the Communist Party came to power in China. Shen Yun’s performances are characterised by their culturally-inspired presentation, which includes classical Chinese dance, ethnic dances and live orchestral accompaniment. Ethnic dances represent ancient styles that have been passed down from one generation to the next. In elaborate costumes, the dancers present 5000 years of Chinese history with precise choreography and visual effects. Shen Yun strives to be a dance experience that preserves traditional Chinese culture and presents it to a modern audience.

Sat, 10.2.24 | 19:00 Uhr

Großes Festspielhaus
Hofstallgasse 1
5020 Salzburg
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Published 15. Dec 2023Updated 2. February 2024

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