Turmaline in Austria
Haus der Natur Exhibition "Kristall Magie" Poto: Neumayr/Leo

Gemstone of the Rainbow

Please note: This event is in the past.
Haus der Natur Exhibition "Kristall Magie" Poto: Neumayr/Leo

Special exhibition at the Haus der Natur Salzburg on the gemstone of the rainbow: an aesthetic expedition into the inner life of black tourmaline crystals.

Sun, 1.8.21 - Sun, 8.1.23 | 0:00 Uhr

Haus der Natur (House of Nature)
Museumsplatz 5
5020 Salzburg
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Published 23. Feb 2022Updated 9. June 2022

Idyll und Verbrechen Dokumentation Obersalzberg