Corona – next step!

On 7 April, Austria’s Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz announced a statement on how to deal with the Corona pandemic in the near future. According to this, smaller shops (up to 400sqm) and DIY and garden centres can reopen after Easter. Larger shops will also be allowed to open from the beginning of May, and hotels from mid-May. Events, however, remain prohibited until the end of June.

We celebrate in September!

Against this background, the HOSI Salzburg has today (8.04.2020) commented on the upcoming events for the community. The HOSI is trying to postpone both the Long Night of Diversity, the CSD and the Pride Boat to a later date, preferably in September.

The HOSI festival on 6 June is cancelled. Instead, the HOSI festival on 5 September could set the date for the CSD to be held at a later date. The HOSI is looking into this. The HOSI bar will of course remain closed for the time being due to Corona. For the Pride Boat, a date in September two weeks after the CSD would be possible, but this still needs to be clarified. It is important that the gastronomy is allowed to start again soon.

In any case, we have to continue to be patient for the time being. In Austria, a relaxation of all the measures that are currently changing our social life so massively is in sight. So let’s hope for the best and comfort ourselves with this thought over the hopefully at least sunny Easter days.

Published 27. June 2021Updated 29. April 2023