School of Narrative Dance
Parade of the School of Narrative Dance by Marinella Senatore
A city in motion: In the community project “The School of Narrative Dance”, the Italian artist Marinella Senatore invites the residents of Salzburg to participate in a city choreography. Senatore’s aim is not only to initiate social processes, but also to question concepts such as the public sphere and social responsibility, to find alternative forms of storytelling and ultimately to generate a collective memory through collective action. The creative potential of all the contributors culminates in its entirety in a vital portrait of Salzburg. The individual ideas will be staged by Senatore in close cooperation with local choreographers in the form of a large parade through the city. The parade in Salzburg is a cooperation with SZENE Salzburg as part of the Sommerszene Festival. Marinella Senatore will be exhibiting her work at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg until 8.10.2023.
For the parade, there will be a series of preparatory workshops starting on 9 June, which are free and open to all. The workshops will take place from 9 to 23 June at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg in the exhibition Marinella Senatore. “We Rise by Lifting Others” will take place. The parade will move through Salzburg’s old town on 24 June 2023. Click here for the Workshop-plan.
Sat, 24.6.23 | 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr