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The Rupertinum is a location of the Museum der Moderne on the Mönchsberg. The Rupertinum houses the Moderne Galerie and Graphische Sammlung Rupertinum as well as the photographic art of the Museum der Moderne’s collection.

Located in Salzburg's old town and adjacent to the festival district, the building dates back to the 17th century. Founded in 1653 by Archbishop Paris Lodron as the "Collegium Rupertinum", it served as a boarding school and training centre for priests and was run as a home for pupils and students until 1974. After its acquisition by the province of Salzburg and renovations by architect Gerhard Garstenauer, the "Moderne Galerie und Graphische Sammlung Rupertinum" opened in February 1983. At that time, the ground-level arcade hall was restored and the atrium with its archways was covered with glass skylights, making it usable as a now part of the building's interior. On the occasion of the new dedication of the building, Friedensreich Hundertwasser designed the tongue beards, ceramic applications on the courtyard-side façade, which have characterised the building ever since.

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Wiener-Philharmoniker-Gasse 9
5020 Salzburg
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Published 30. January 2023