Crafting with Aunt Gigi
Easter is just around the corner and there’s nothing to stop you from decorating your home and bringing a touch of normality to these strange times. A good opportunity for inspiration in craft and decoration planning can be Gigi LaPajette with “Crafting with Aunt Gigi”. On Wednesday 1.04.20 from 9 pm on facebook.

Then, for a change, Gigi LaPajette won’t look into her crystal ball to tell us when we can go out again to Feminale, Lange Nacht der Vielfalt or CSD or just to the next bar. Instead, she will tell us how we can make ourselves pretty for Easter. A decorative bunny – to eat, perhaps? Or a tip on how to dye eggs? You never know with Gigi!
Unfortunately, this much is clear: Easter will not be a time to be out of the house. And despite all the gloom around us at the moment, we are happy to receive signs of life from the “normal” life that does not exist at the moment.
Mittwoch 1.04., 21 Uhr Basteln mit Tante Gigi