Marinella Senatore, We Rise for Lifting Others, Ausstellungsansicht Museum der Moderne Salzburg, Foto: Rainer Iglar

We Rise by Lifting Others

Marinella Senatore (*1977) is a central figure in Italian contemporary art who uses various media to develop artistic strategies to set processes of social change in motion.

Her focus is on the question of how the social division and polarisation of our time can be countered artistically and how forms of community can emerge in which emancipation and empowerment are supporting pillars. The Generali Foundation Collection – on permanent loan at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg and the Museum Villa Stuck in Munich have conceived the artist’s largest exhibition to date, “Marinella Senatore – We Rise by Lifting Others”, as a project in two chapters that can be seen simultaneously. They complement each other and offer an overview of the entire spectrum of Senatore’s work, which includes light sculptures, textile works, drawings, collages, photographs and films.

“In 2012, Marinella Senatore founded “The Schools of Narrative Dance”, where she develops the possibilities of a “participatory art” within the framework of a “non-hierarchical, travelling and free school”. This “school” consists of workshops that revolve around music, dance, parkour, storytelling, among others. The artist enters into a dialogue with people with different experiences and abilities who feel like performing, dancing, singing and staging. She activates people who want to engage in a process of choreographic storytelling. And who can teach each other in non-hierarchical learning processes with words and bodies.” (paragraph from Wikipedia)

Desire to perform, sing, dance

Desire to perform, sing, dance is the basis for the highlight of the exhibition in Salzburg – the parade on 24 June, which is being developed with the local population as part of Senatores School of Narrative Dance and celebrates a lyrical festival of community with dance, music, song as well as other performances.

Participants are still being sought for the parade on 24.06. “The School of Narrative Dance. From 9 June there will be a series of preparatory workshops, which are free of charge and open to all. The workshops will take place at the Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg in the exhibition “Marinella Senatore – We Rise by Lifting Others”. (pege)

Marinella Senatore – We Rise by Lifting Others, 24.04. bis 8.10.2023, Museum der Moderne Salzburg Mönchsberg

Published 26. May 2023Updated 23. June 2023

Spielzeugmuseum Anger

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