That was the Salzburg Pride 2021

Last weekend (3-5.09.) Salzburg was under the sign of the rainbow. From Friday evening to Sunday afternoon, more people than ever came together to underline the demands of the LGBT community for acceptance in all areas of society. And to celebrate this political statement. Love was in the Air! [Read more]


Love is in the Air – with aerial acrobatics

Love is in the Air is the motto of this year’s CSD Salzburg. Air acrobat Malin Brandl, 24 years old and a native of Salzburg, will also be in the air. She will float through the air on a trapeze at the rally after the parade on Pride Saturday 4.09. and will be an attractive highlight of the Pride weekend. [Read more]

Love is in the Air – Salzburg Pride 2021

“We celebrate life, diversity and love” is how the HOSI Salzburg sums up this year’s Pride, true to the motto “Love is in the Air”. From 3 to 5 September, Salzburg will once again be under the sign of the rainbow. With a Warm-Up on Friday, Parade and Pride Night on Saturday and Brunch and Farewell on Sunday. [Read more]