Sex and health

High and horny

High and horny, this phrase was quoted by Birgit Leichsenring from the Chemsex Network Vienna for the state of mind that makes it meaningful to deal with questions on the topic of lust and its accelerators. There were revealing insights into this yesterday evening at Pride Week Salzburg.

Microbiologist Birgit Leichsenring and internist Dr Michael Meilinger from Vienna managed to convey scientific findings on chemsex, prep and sexually transmitted diseases in a competent, entertaining and charming way at the Dark Eagle last night (31.08.). The statistical frequency of chemical stimulants in sex such as GHB, GBL, Chrystal Meth or Mephedrone were just as much a topic as the ways of use (tablets, powder, intravenously) or the interactions with the intake of other intoxicants (cocaine, poppers) or other medications such as blood pressure lowering drugs or diabetes.

Everything was discussed. For example, how to view the state of HIV infection management. HIV-infected people are not infectious under treatment. Nevertheless, it makes sense to take certain protective measures. Even if it is the personal radar of the individual. Monkeypox was explained and classified numerically.

After the lecture there was a break, after which questions could be asked. And so there was an intensive second round. Many questions were asked. For example, experiences from the last weekend at Pink Lake and the use of drugs of all kinds to intensify the kick and how to deal with it, which is taken for granted today, were debated. The possibilities for help in difficult situations, e.g. chemsex accidents in the city of Salzburg and who to contact were discussed.

A very interesting lecture, eloquently and competently presented, which brought the topic of chemsex and STI impressively into focus. The stage in the Dark Eagle experienced a new successful performance. You can listen to and watch the entire livestream on the Pride Week Salzburg FB page.

Queer History(s) at the Salzburg Museum

Today from 5pm Pride Week continues with a lecture and guided tour “Uniquely diverse” through the Salzburg Museum on the traces of queer history in Salzburg.

Published 1. September 2022Updated 3. September 2022
Gay Party Salzburg
Also interesting!

Queer, proud and visible!

The motto of this year's Christopher Street Day (Pride) in Salzburg is: "Be visible Schatzi". In 2021, the visibility of the rainbow was the most important motivation for many participants to take part in the largest pride parade Salzburg has ever seen. The organisers are taking this into account with this year's motto. [Read more]

This will be the Salzburg Pride 2022

This year, Pride Weekend Salzburg will become Pride Week Salzburg. A week full of programmes for the visibility of the rainbow in the city on the Salzach. From 29 August to 4 September, Salzburg will once again be under the sign of the rainbow. The programme is out now. An ambitious week of queer culture. [Read more]